Alors que Red Bull vient tout juste d’annoncer le prochain projet cinématographique de Travis Rice et Brainfarm – l’inévitable suite du film The Art Of Flight- et qu’ils se gardent bien de donner plus de détails, 33Mag révèle un ptit scoop sur leur projet, et tu ne vas pas en croire tes oreilles!
Voici le communiqué de presse officiel et tu vas enfin découvrir la vérité.
Via Redbull:
A multi-year production is now on day one to follow-up on Travis Rice’s The Art of Flight.
From the producers of the game changing snowboard films "That's It, That's All" and "The Art of FLIGHT", Red Bull Media House, in association with Brain Farm Digital Cinema, are proud to announce production of the next feature in Travis Rice's iconic franchise:
The film's title, projected release date and more will be revealed later this year.
Heading to the unknown
“This film is an incredibly ambitious project,” says Travis Rice while currently shooting on location. “After pushing the limits in ‘The Art of FLIGHT’ we knew that it would be tough to take it to the next level without seriously getting out there. I can't reveal where we're going yet, but I can say we are headed into the unknown and it’s an entirely new approach to following winter for me. Our team is going all in on this one.”
The project will continue to push the limits of film technology and be shot entirely in 4K ultra high-definition.
4K has twice the horizontal and vertical resolution as the current high-definition format, with:
Four times the amount of pixels and detail of HD overall – 8 million pixels for 4K, compared to 2 million pixels for HD
Travis Rice is going for it again© Scott Serfas/Red Bull Content Pool“We’ve spent almost two years now on pre-production and logistical planning for this film,” says Curt Morgan, Founder of Brain Farm Digital Cinema. “Between scouting new locations, developing our storyline and working on the creative aspects, I feel the time invested will be the differentiating factor in this production.”
Both ‘That's It, That's All’ and ‘The Art of FLIGHT’ have changed the viewers' perception and expectation of what a snowboard film can be, not only through the latest camera technology, but also through creative camera angles, progressive riding and carefully curated soundtracks; all helping to make ‘The Art of FLIGHT’ the best selling snowboard documentary to date.
“While we're proud of the reaction from all the fans around the world as well as the success the franchise has had thus far, we don't want to rest on our laurels,” says Scott Bradfield, Head of Production for Red Bull Media House. “4K is certainly the future of cinema and we want to be ahead of the curve and provide a state-of-the-art experience for our viewers unlike anything seen to date.
We're incredibly excited to kick off this next project and between the locations, toys and talent of all the athletes, filmers and producers, we can't wait to deliver fans a film beyond their wildest expectations.”
Additional details regarding the film's title, projected release date and more are expected to be announced in autumn 2014.
Ça a l’air excitant, hein?
Quand j’ai entendu parler du projet pour la première fois il y a quelques mois, j’ai tout de suite contacté les quelques personnes engagées aux côtés de Travis et Brainfarm auparavant pour voir si quelqu’un pourrait m’en dire plus. Je fus plusieurs fois refoulé avec toujours la même explication: «nous devions signer un accord de confidentialité avant même qu'ils nous disent quoi que ce soit» Ces gars-là ne déconnent pas, mais après quelques clins d’œil et plusiuers bières plus tard, j’avais compris que Travis préparait l’ultime challenge : Naviguer à travers le monde dans un immense bateau à la recherche de l’hiver sans fin. Naviguer à travers les océans à la voile et rejoindre les continents. Pas de doutes, ils veulent atteindre le point le plus éloigné du monde.
Tout fan de Rice sait qu’il adore naviguer, et qu’il a même participé à un événement de l'America's Cup, donc ça fait du sens.
J’ai hâte de les voir commencer cette aventure!