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Wingsuit BASE Jump Off The Peak Of Everest To Be Live Broadcast

Extreme athlete Joby Ogwyn will leap off the top of Mount Everest in a wingsuit live on television in May. For most adventurers reaching the summit of Mount Everest is the ultimate achievement, but for Joby Ogwyn it will be just the starting point.

After scaling the world's tallest mountain he intends to jump off it and fly to the ground wearing a nylon wing-suit.

The death-defying stunt will be broadcast live across the globe on television in May, when viewers will see Ogwyn say a quick prayer, take a few sucks from an oxygen mask, and throw himself into the void.

"I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard I'm crazy," Ogwyn told The Telegraph moments after streaking across the California sky like Superman in a test flight of his wingsuit, a special nylon jumpsuit with webbing between the legs and arms.


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