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Nine Absolutely Terrible Photos Of Snowboarding From The Olympics

There's was lots of positive coverage in the mainstream media of snowboarding during the past two weeks but without fail, almost every photo they shot or picked was just terrible. Fair enough, I'm sure most of the photographers assigned to shoot these events have never stepped foot on a snowboard before but don't you think they could have spent a few hours of research cruising some shred mags and took the time to learn what makes a good snowboard photo? How hard is it to get a shot of a grab when your camera shoots 10+ frames a second?!

Here's a random sampling of some of what I'm talking about, by no means the worst of the lot just what I managed to snap off a quick google search.

Let's start this off with this all around horrible shot from Lack of context, terrible timing, disgusting style … it's got it all.

Guy in the sky! Is Max Parrot ten feet off the ground or 100? Who knows! Who cares!


I don't think there's enough going on in this shot of the women's boardercross from picked a hell of a shot from the slopestyle qualifiers

Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

Jenny Jones "soaring" over at

Photo: AP did a great job with creative composition on this one of Shaun White. Maybe if they don't know which way is up it will be better!

A beaut of Danny Davis from 

Another incredible shot of El Blanco from 
Photo by Adam Pretty/Getty Images

​This shot is not so much terrible as awesome and horrifying at the same time. doesn't shy away from the drama!

Chuck Myers / MCT / Sipa USA

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