It seems like winning a gold medal in slopestyle wasn't enough for snowboarder Sage Kotsenburg – he wanted a medal made of bacon!
United States snowboarder Sage Kotsenburg was the first American to win a gold medal at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, but all of his dreams had not yet become a reality. While receiving a gold medal in the Olympics is one of the greatest accomplishments an athlete can achieve, Kotsenburg was still hoping for a little more.
Well, thanks to the power of social media, it appears that Kotsenburg will be getting his wish.
Pennsylvania-based meat company Godshall’s Quality Meats saw Kotsenburg’s tweet and decided to capitalize on the opportunity to generate some attention for their company by creating a medal made of bacon.
Godshall’s Quality Meats is currently in the process of reaching out to Kotsenburg as they hope to provide him with one of the tasty medals.Post by Godshall’s Quality Meats.As an added bonus, the bacon medals are not only delicious, but also healthy.