It’s Valentines Day here in Whistler and I can only assume there havwe been many frantic conversations on chair lifts, gondolas, and in the pubs about how to make the most of the Fabled 14th. And while Whistler was just rated the best place in Canada to be single, for those who would rather be attached here are 7 stats gathered from Canadian pollsters IPSOS-REID about how Canadians like to set the mood.
If these work for you or help you avoid catastrophe, please feel free to thank me in high fives and après.
50% of Canadians get in the mood when their partner cooks their favourite dinner. This means that a good shake and bake will add some real spice to your diet.
43% claim that a flirty and suggestive conversation will go a long, long way.
39% say that lighting candles lights the fire for them.
38% of Canadians report that listening to soft music will eventually lead to some good old fashion rock and roll.
22% get things started around a game. I’d recommend Scrabble because you can just spell it out.
2% still prefer the classic, ‘going out for dinner and a movie.’ That said, if you are still relying on this outdated technique and proven failure, you need some help. Garlic breath, bloated bellies, and a room full of strangers is sure to kill all of your best intentions.
Finally, I leave you with my personal favourite and, ultimately, least successful: 5% of all Canadians get in the mood by listening to the 70’s rock band KISS. This accounts for over 1.6 million very odd Canadians who, after everything else had failed, hit their sweet spot by switching to Gene Simmons.
So there ya have it. Good luck and Happy Valentines Day.