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Canada & Norway Give The Middle Finger To Russia’s Anti-Gay Laws With These Two Hilarious Commercials Airing During The Games

The first is hilarious and the second is HOT! These two commercials really let us know what they think of Russia's ridiculous anti-gay legislation.

"Luge" by Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion

The games have always been a little gay. Let's fight to keep them that way. Show your support for the equality of all athletes by changing your Facebook profile picture with us at 

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@rethinkcanada –

"Airport Love" by XXL

Our new commercial " Airport Love " was created for the sports and wilderness interested public in Norway , Sweden and Finland. The film's message is that sport is for everyone, no matter what team you play for. The premiere of the film at the same time as the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi .

Of the many talented athletes in the film , there are also three Norwegians : Former world champion Anders Solum ( freestyle football) , Edward Beach ( alpine ) and Sune Wentzel ( frisbee ) impresses with its large spectacular stunts.

The music of the film is written by Tommy Tysper , Swedish songwriter and producer, now residing in Los Angeles, California. Tommy writes and produces songs for numerous artists and has had several Top -10 hits on the Billboard charts in the United States.


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