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Wild in the Streets Takes Over Rossland

This year Rossland, British Columbia held an event titled "Wild in the Streets" in which a street leading down to the main drag of Rossland was covered in snow, brought by surrounding areas, with rails and boxes brought from the local ski hill: Red Mountain.

"Wild in the Streets" was only one of the many events held over the weekend as a part of Rosslands 117th annual Winter Carnival. In past years the event was titled "The Game" but "Wild in the Streets" was pretty sutable for the event this year. I got to Rossland around 9am, when people were signing wavers to take place in the competition, and a few people were warming up on the course.

Skiers and Snowboards in Mens and Womens catagories competed at the Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Pro levels. Dave Cashen (Now owner of the boardshop in Rossland, Rossvegas) was on the mic annoucing what going down. Dave, along with Greg Weins, Dan Grey, and Grayden Favali were the competition judges, who I must say did a very good job at keeping things organized, and playing some flowing oldschool hip-hop to keep competitors amped up… nothing like some Wu-Tang!!!

After everyone had finished their final runs, about an hour later Dave gave the results of the judges scores. For the Men's Open catagory the results were the following:

Zach Aller (1st)
Tyler Clark (2nd)
Shawn Colley (3rd)

Others killing it in the finals consisted of Alex Beaucage, Alex Volokhov, and Jay Britton.

Such a rad day! Everyone from the little rippers to the seasoned shreds had a good time and won some rad prizes. Such a good eroma everytime I shoot this event.. I can't wait until next year..

I'd like to of course thank everyone who participated, from volenteers to of course the riders and judges. Also, I'd like to thank everyone at Rossvegas Boardshop for putting it on, and for the companies who pitched in some rad prizes (4FRNT, IS Eyewear, Dinosaurs Will Die, Oakley, Ride, Vans, Dakine, Mons Royale, Burton, Anon, Skull Candy, Airhole, Beaver Wax, My Pakage, JSLV)

Also, way to go team Ripping Giraffe for placing in two of the three top spots in the Men's Open! (Shawn Colley and Tyler Clark)

Here are some photos I shot of the event!

Zach Aller pressing into first placeZach Aller sliding his way into first place 

Shawn Colley – Noseblunt

Alex Beaucage
Alex Beaucage – Boardslide 270 to Fakie

Jay Britton – Switch Front Blunt Same Way 270

Tyler Clark - NoseslideTyler Clark – Noseslide

Lucas Hayes NosepressLucas Hayes – Nosepress

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