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First Look Video Of Olympic Slopestyle Course

Russian snowboarder Alexey Sobolev just posted up the first video to show the already super controversial olympic slopestyle course – it looks pretty intense, check it out!

 video via Whitelines

For those of you that aren't on the internet 20 hours a day – oh the life of an online editor! – some of the facts to emerge over the last few days are that the slopestyle course is gigantic. So much so that it has already claimed two victims – Torstein Hogmo broke his collarbone and Marika Enne got a concussion – and forced the riders to demand changes be made to the coursem, which seems to be happening.

As you can see in this video, the course is pretty intense to say the least. Does anyone else think the rail features look a little too close together? It's hard to tell what's going on with the jumps in a fisheye video like this but the airtime defintely seems to last forever. One thing is for sure, the riders are gonna have to be on top of their game to come out on top and not in a stretcher! 

This is gonna be an interesting week, I just hope it doesn't end with too many injuries!

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