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How to Survive Dating a Girl that Travels

Don't date a girl who travels.

"She’s the one with the messy unkempt hair colored by the sun. Her skin is now far from fair like it once was. Not even sun kissed. It’s burnt with multiple tan lines, wounds and bites here and there. But for every flaw on her skin, she has an interesting story to tell.

Don’t date a girl who travels. She is hard to please. The usual dinner-movie date at the mall will suck the life out of her. Her soul craves for new experiences and adventures. She will be unimpressed with your new car and your expensive watch. She would rather climb a rock or jump out of an airplane than hear you brag about it.

Don’t date a girl who travels because she will bug you to book a flight every time there’s an airline seat sale. She wont party at Republiq. And she will never pay over $100 for Avicii because she knows that one weekend of clubbing is equivalent to one week somewhere far more exciting.

Chances are, she can’t hold a steady job. Or she’s probably daydreaming about quitting. She doesn’t want to keep working her ass off for someone else’s dream. She has her own and is working towards it. She is a freelancer. She makes money from designing, writing, photography or something that requires creativity and imagination. Don’t waste her time complaining about your boring job.

Don’t date a girl who travels. She might have wasted her college degree and switched careers entirely. She is now a dive instructor or a yoga teacher. She’s not sure when the next paycheck is coming. But she doesn’t work like a robot all day, she goes out and takes what life has to offer and challenges you to do the same.

Don’t date a girl who travels for she has chosen a life of uncertainty. She doesn’t have a plan or a permanent address. She goes with the flow and follows her heart. She dances to the beat of her own drum. She doesn’t wear a watch. Her days are ruled by the sun and the moon. When the waves are calling, life stops and she will be oblivious to everything else for a moment. But she has learned that the most important thing in life isn’t surfing.

Don’t date a girl who travels as she tends to speak her mind. She will never try to impress your parents or friends. She knows respect, but isn’t afraid to hold a debate about global issues or social responsibility." Click here to read the whole article.

Don’t do it! Stay far away. We are nothing but trouble.

This article resonated with me in a big way. Most of my girl friends are “that girl”. I am also that girl, however I wear a watch. My vagabond tendencies have created challenges in holding, what society would call a normal relationship. I travel often, fall in like/love often, experience the mutual affects of heartache, get bored easily, just make ends meet financially, am covered in scars from great adventures, am a wild child, and fully addicted to living a life of uncertainty.

My soul is constantly craving new experiences and adventures. Its hard to keep that little guy full.

The travelling bug is an incurable disease. It can begin at a young age or t-bone you during a quarter life crisis. Like the cowbell the only cure is more. We the bohemians, we can’t be saved from this plague. So don’t even try to play the night in shinning armor here.

If you do somehow stumble into like or love with once of us here are a few recommendations to help you survive. If you are lucky, maybe she will let you stay.

How to date a girl who travels.

Dance in the rain & skinny dip

Anything that fits into the ‘living in the moment’ file is a bonus. You never know what this can lead to.

Pack efficiently

Fill that bag with all of the essentials to survive the elements and any adventures we might go on. Weekend in Vancouver? Gym attire, snow attire, rain attire, hiking attire. 

Jealousy is a no-no

Most of our friends are un-doubtably guys. Make friends with them. If they don’t like you, you’re out. If you hurt us, all of these big brothers will probably kill you. We have our cardinal girl friends, but homo sapiens with male genitalia are generally less dramatic and more faithful. Fact.

Be prepared to get dirty

Those new shoes of yours, we are going puddle jumping later. No whining.

The little things

We are perfectly capable of hanging the shelves, changing a tire, and carrying our own luggage. We appreciate the small acts. Such as holding a door, making us breakfast, and surprise waxing our board. Just cause.

Be comfortable with silence

Creatures that appreciate alone time. If you are in our space for an extended period of time, learn how to just be in our sanctuary, mouth closed. Babbling conversations to fill empty space are deal breaking.

An open palate

Whats for dinner? Mie goreng, butter chicken, pho, sushi, dahl, $1 slice pizza, who knows? Be prepared to eat some creative international dishes.

Have your own goals and aspirations

You are willing to drop it all for us? Yikes. While this might be what every Jane Doe is looking for, we need you to have your own passions. You are unfortunately probably not our #1, so don’t make us yours.

Outdoor dates

While wining & dining and a night of dancing are fun, they lead to one thing. If you are a keeper there needs to be a little more substance than just blurred life choices. A few suggestions: bicycling around town, a hike, lake swimming, bungee jumping, snowboarding, surfing, daytime dates. Think non-alcoholic adrenaline adventures.

Be honest

What do you want out of this relationship? We are busy. No time for games here kids. That whole traveling thing that we love to do, it is a firm reminder that there are plenty of fish in the sea.

Be smart

Pick up a book. Seriously. We are easy going enough to enjoy your dirty humor, but we thrive on intellectual conversations. Brain stimulation, key.

Give back

Show us that you understand that selflessness is of utmost importance.

Handmade gifts and fresh flowers are acceptable

Every girl loves flowers. That expensive handbag you bought us, we sold it and bought a one way ticket to somewhere with a beach. Thanks for that.

Structure is out of the question

Long term wise, where will we be in a month from now? a year? 2 years? No idea. Short term wise, there is only so much time in a day. Avoid the disappointment of a missed skype date, because we fell asleep after a long day of adventuring.

Enjoy entertaining

Amidst our travels we have made close friends across the globe. They will be staying us, often.

Treat us like one of the guys

Not saying that you should poop with the door open or repeatedly call us dude. But when we are surfing or hanging with friends, don’t baby us. Baby talk is out of the question. Remember, we are independent and strong beings.

This is what it is. Don’t complicate things

Forever commitment is usually a cover-up for insecurities. You want us to settle down so that you are safe? No bueno. Settle down? Thats a bone chiller. There are far too many places to see.

The “me or it” ultimatum is not in your favor

Lifestyle and personal goals will prevail.

Don’t use Tinder

Your photos have officially confirmed a few things. You got to visit the tigers in Thailand and you competed in tough mudder. Cool. However this new age “hot or not” iphone compatible tool generally has one implication. If you are looking for one night stands, great app. If you are looking to court the traveling gypsy, this is a red flag against you.

Keep us on our toes

Routine? Coffee every morning. Ya thats about it.

Think more along the lines of mimosas in bed, breakfast for dinner, sunrise walks, star gazing from the flatbed of the truck, swimming in waterfalls, you get the point.


Then you will understand. Then maybe we can travel together? Then maybe this just might work. No guarantees though. But I can promise you that it will change your life in the best ways possible, for better or for worse.

Inspired by: Don't date a girl who travels – Better Humans – Medium

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