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Watch « Deep Days » In Whistler

From the ninth to the eleventh of January, it was recorded at Whistler/Blackcomb that we had received 76cms of fresh on the resort. Generally the Whistler backcountry receives about double the snowfall as on hill. Deep Days was shot throughout the storm and the days following.  We never actually measured how much had fallen, but between myself and the crew we estimated it was around 100-150cm.  After a day of trenching and digging out our sleds, the snow had settled and it was time to shred.

The main crew was myself, Dave Short, Trevor Karl, Jessie lefluer, Graeme and Grantley Samodien. With boards in racks and tanks fueled up, we rode spots just north of Squamish to past Pemberton. 

More edits are in the works and being captured as the season conitnues.




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