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Holy Sh*t!! Tiger Shark Attack Video From Australia

If you freak out every time a piece of seaweed crosses your legs when you're out in the ocean, then this video is definitely not for you! 

Shaun Harrington, 27 years old, is a part of the Mad Hueys, a crew of fishing and daredevil antics enthusiasts from the Gold Coast of Australia. Him and his buds had a crazy idea the other day – one of the craziest we've ever heard of in fact – and thought it would be a great idea to go swimming with some tiger sharks with no more protection than a small bird cage over his head! Ummm. Ok. 

Sure enough, a huge 2.5 meter tiger shark showed up and started giving old Shaun a hard time. Buddy is lucky to have gotten out of the water with all his legs and arms!

Moral of the story: Don't go swimming with sharks armed with only a bird cage. A valuable lesson sure to come in handy for us all. Thanks Shaun!

And here's a full-length interview with Shaun on the news. This dude is pretty hilarious about the whole thing. 


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