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The Conquest Of No-Snow Depression
While we go into the winter months, we have been advised by medical professionals across the board to up our intake of vitamin D. As seasonal depression is prevalent on the west coast during the winter months. The weather systems that bring precipitation, be it rain or snow block out the suns rays for days, sometimes weeks. This year has been considerably different. The sun has been in attendance holding hands with a sense of depression. An unusual couple.

While an appropriate idiom would state that this case of depression is a mere “darkness before light”, literally speaking there has beenfar too much light and not enough darkness. First world problems, I know.

Vancouver airport has claimed this to be the 3rd driest fall/winter in history. While the sunshine showed up and gave us our consistent dose of happy vitamin D, a vibration of unhappiness blanketed whistler. What do you prescribe for no snow depression?

Everyone reached for their own medication, be it working more, logging more gym time, or hitting the bottle and dancing on tables at the Dam. Any means of numbing the underlying issue, “is winter ever going to show up?”

While November slipped by the faith remained. The optimism rapidly dwindled as we went into December. When Santa didn’t bring any flakes with him spirits hurdled downwards. Some of the injured party so uncomfortable that they seriously considered leaving town completely. Selling it all and heading to the beach where they would never need to endure the anticipation for snow again.

We all sat and listened to those extremely positive people crow on about how it is still fun up the mountain. Those friends that never cease to perplex you with their bottomless bank account of positive affirmations. Argumentative claims that hitting park jumps to bullet proof landings and carving on the corduroy is still “super fun”. There was an air that even they were even trying to convince themselves. A self-medication of complacency. Lets be honest here, unless you are training for Sochi or your heart yearns to slide park rails, I’m calling your bluff.

While being in the mountains with your friends is arguably the primary fuel that feeds the passion for the sport, it is a blatant fact that it is a million times better with powder.

Heaps of crystal mountains, so deep that you’ll chokewhen you lay in a turn if you aren’t careful. That floating feeling as you pick your line and lay in to turn, that if you aren’t careful may cause you to choke. The line that puts you in the white room. The body exhaustion of an entire day of it. For me that is what is all about. That is what puts a smile on my face.

Like coke addicts in a town with no supplies, we need not turn to other drugs. Our means of escape and adrenaline have arrived. The town and mountain are being blanketed in what we truly love. It is here! Our faith in Ullr has been reignited and the looming darkness that has bedaubed our spirits has been lifted. Cancel your ticket to mexico and relish in this moment!

While feelings of suffering are all relative, this rise from the darkness feels oh so good! Balance has been restored in the mountains. Along with a few communal kicks in the pants. As when darkness is present there is usually a lesson or two at hand. A lesson to be patient with something out of our control, to make the best of the given moment, to keep your head up as you will survive, and to appreciate what truly makes us happy! Oh and the cure for snow-depression, vitamin SNOW. 100% organic pure from the source, snow. If you can’t find any here best to get to where you can find some ASAP.

Set the alarm for first chair. Acknowledge the blissfulness of being happy with the present moment. Reign in the delight that we are so fortunate to play in the snow again!

Deep inhale. Exhale all your breaht out. Inhale.
SNOW….. I mean, OHM, shanti shanti shanti. Peace peace peace.

And all you city folk, this entire post is a lie. It really isn’t snowing, and we are all still depressed.

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