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A Survival Guide to Living in a Ski Resort Town When There’s No Snow

I’m normally a glass half-full kind of person. But no matter how much I dress it up, this season in Whistler kind of sucks so far.

We wait all year for powdery goodness, salivating at ski movies and waxing boards in preparation for the Big Season. And when it doesn’t come—well, we don’t really know what to do with ourselves.


If you’re finding yourself standing at the front door, dressed in your snow gear but nary a flake in sight, here are some tips for surviving this underwhelming season (to date—I STILL HAVE HOPE).

Make the Most of No Snow on the Ground

No snow on the ground? No problem, guys! No need to stop biking and running! Normally, our wintery season means we need to put these pastimes on the back burner. Come spring, we’re all wiggly and out of shape. Not so this year. I know it’s not the same as snowboarding, but pounding pavement can be quite satisfying.

When Life Hands You Groomers, Make Groomerade

If you’re a Single Sport Sally or Simon (i.e. you only ski or only snowboard), switch your gear up and try the other snow sport. Find something cheap online or, even better, trade equipment with a buddy. You will feel a sense of humbleness like no other as you pizza your way down Easy Out. Mind the tourists.

Keep those knees bent.
Go Exploring

There’s not a lot happening inside the resort, but I’ve heard rumblings that there’s some fun to be had via sled, or even via hike down in Squamish. If this exploring business is accessible to you, do it.


Find some buddies, a vehicle, and a solid supply of road trip snacks and go on a road trip to another mountain. If you’re Whistler-based, there are a ton of options within driving distance. Mix tape optional.

Check, check and check.

If you’re not going to be on the mountains all day long, you might as well be productive with your time. Pick up some extra shifts or scout out a side job and work your face off so that you can acquire mad dough to spend in the dead season.

Party Rock

If you choose to drown your snowless sorrows in alcohol, I understand. There are party fun times happening every night in town, so make the nightly pilgrimage and you’ll forget all about the lack of snow. Bonus: your walk home will be a little easier due to lack of snow to plod through.

Learn New Skills

This time of year, we normally have no time to spare. We do our best to meet our basic needs, but when it comes to snowboarding or sleep/eating/bathing, snowboarding almost always wins.

Well, now you have a little extra time, so why not take up something new? Cooking? Yoga? Photography? Sky’s the limit.

Play With Your Non-Snowboardy Friends

You know those friends that you normally neglect in the winter months because, for whatever reason, they live in a ski resort town but choose not to ski or snowboard? (I know, weird). Now you can hang out with them year-round. Bonus: they can provide additional insight on what exactly there is to do other than mountain activities.

Photo taken January 1, 2014. Just kidding, y'all.
Remember: the season is young, anything can happen. Stay positive, friends.

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