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Behind the Camera with Jordan Moss

Jordan Moss, the 22-year-old skateboard filmer from Ajax, Ontario has come a long way in the past few years. He is currently taking Film & Broadcasting at Centennial College and will be graduating in June 2014. In the summer, he had the opportunity to fast track his program—getting a bit ahead of his classmates—and did an internship with Element Canada. When  all that was said and done, Element offered Jordan a job and now he's doing all the social media and web videos for Element Canada. But his client list doesn't stop there. Jordan has done web videos for Transworld, Digital, Blind, Bones, DC, Kadence Canada (Helas), Concrete Skateboard Magazine, SBC Skateboard Magazine, and KingShit Skateboard Magazine. He's also contributed to many different skateboarding videos over the past few years, from homie videos, all the way up to professional featured releases. Some of these include, Blind: This is not a Test, Blind: DAMN, The Bones Video, Top of the World: Aspect:Ratio, KBYE., and State Your Name. 

You can find Jordan's work either on his YouTube channel and Element's YouTube Channel.

Age: 22

Current setup: Panasonic HVX200 & a Canon 60D

How long have you been filming: 8-9 years

Best song used in a skate part: Elliot Smith – Junk Bond Trader in Mark Suciu: Cross Continental

Favourite people to film with: I don't really have any favourites, I always enjoy who ever I'm filming with. Usually I'm out skating with Bobby Dekeyzer, TJ Rogers, Mitch Donovan, Will Marshall, and a few other guys.

Top 5 Skate Filmers:
1. Jason Hernandez
2. Ty Evans
3. Chris Ray
4. Ant Travis
5. Ewan Bowman

Top 5 best filmed/edited parts:
1. Shiloh Greathouse – Transworld First Love
2. Cory Kennedy – Pretty Sweet
3. Wade Desarmo – Parental Advisory 
4. Tyler Bledsoe – Hallelujah
5. Jake Johnson – Mind Field

Favourite video released to date:
The new Nike video is pretty dope. (SB Chronicles Vol. 2)

Favourite video that you’ve made:
I can't exactly put a finger on one… I'm pretty happy with everything that I've contributed to or put out myself so far. There's obviously always room for improvement, but that's how you get better at something.

Best part in 2013:
Every Ishod Wair part that was released…

Advice for beginners:
Filming skateboarding is not easy, it takes some serious dedication to figure it out… So be patient! And just because you film doesn't mean you can't skate either!

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