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The Life Of A Millionaire Instagrammer: Yachts, Naked Women, Money And Heart Attacks

Dan Bilzerian, a Los Angeles based actor is 32 years old and, as he describes himself to his 120 000+ followers on Instagram is an "actor/astronaut/asshole"

He's participated in the 2009 World Series Of Poker and is one of the cofounders of online poker site Victory Poker, which has helped raise his self-worth to over 100 million dollars.

He also just happens to love documenting his life of excess through his instagram account where he regularily publishes photos of himself surrounded by naked women, on his yaght, next to luxury cars or in one of his many penthouses.

His life of grandeur has already cost him two heart attacks and a pulminary embolism. How much longer does he have to live? You be the judge.


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