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5 Annoying People You Meet at Skate Spots

The Concerned Bystander
This character is hard to read, mostly because they’re so damn awkward. He or she will usually picture you as their kid and say, “I hope he knows what he’s doing.” It’s cool though, cause they don’t give a shit about skating. They’ll stick around to watch you try your trick and then say something along the lines of “break any bones yet?” smile awkwardly, and walk away.

The Drug Dealer
“Yo, dude, you need some chron?” The drug dealer is usually tall, awkward, and will always be wearing a coat. He or she will usually approach the session and let you know how dope your skating would be if you smoke his or her weed. Next time this character approaches, make sure to let them know how much you love Jesus.
The Business Man
Young, hardworking, and probably depressed. These guys probably hate themselves. Usually they get really hyped on seeing you skate. This enlightening character will tell you about how they used to skate when they were younger and that you should keep doing what you love. Hopefully they'll ask to skate your board and eat shit.
The Lurker
“Are you filming for YouTube?” seems to be the fan-favourite from this character. Not to be confused with the concerned bystander, the lurker takes on a wide array of profiles. He or she tends to ask unimportant questions like, “How do your feet stay on the board” and usually pipe up at the worst opportunity. It’s common that when you bail, this ass-hat will stand there and heckle you. This character is notorious for ruining sessions.

The Super Citizen
Irrelevant, annoying, and stubborn are a few adjectives that describe this common character. From incessant begging: “Guys you know you can’t do this here,” to physically skate stopping a spot, the super citizen lacks any formal authority and will go to extreme lengths to stop you from skating. I’m not sure if they’re delusional or if they actually think they’re doing the world a favour, but they usually try to take the situation in to their own hands. If you have a hotheaded skater you may need to hold him back.


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