Do you know one of the coolest and most well produced surf/travel tv shows is made by a crew called Ouisurf out of Quebec? I know, me neither, until I was introduced to these guys and learned what they're all about.
Based out of Quebec but travelling the world far and wide to all the most exotic and jealousy-inducing surf spots, the OuiSurf crew produced a really high-end, beautiful (and bilingual) web tv show that is a pleasure to watch. Besides epic surfing and locations, the film crew seems to really go the extra mile to tell unique stories everywhere they go, and put out some of the most beautiful and well made shorts I've seen.
Check out the teaser for their third season above and then be sure to head over to ouisurf.ca to learn more about them. And of course, don't forget to like their Facebook page HERE to get all kinds of awesome updates.