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Google Auto-Complete: Pro Snowboarders Edition

Start a google search for your favourite snowboarder and you might just be surprised by what pops up! 

We gave it a go with 16 of our favourite pros and some of the results are hilarious!

Ok … here we go … round one. Begin!

1. Everyone want to know if Helen Schettini has a boyfriend!

bonus: They're also hot for Leanne Pelosi & Marie-France Roy!

2. What's Mark McMorris' setup? The kids wanna know!

3. When you're a pro snowboarder and the second thing that pops up is your pro model scooter, you may want to revisit your priorities!

4. Just how old is Hana Beaman? A lady never tells!

5. For some reason a ton of people think Jeff Keenan is dead!

6. What exactly are the qualifications for being a "living legend"? Whatever they are Shin Campos is definitely on top of the list.

7. Seb Toots' Montreal video from last year clearly made a huge splash.

8. Everyone wants to ride the same board as Gigi Ruf and Nicholas Muller .. and who wouldn't?

9. Just how rich is Travis Rice? haha

10. It's NOW bindings, not New bindings! Right, JF?

11. WTF? Matt Belizile's favourite milk?

12. If I ever find out who's searching for "snowboarding is not a sport", they are getting a punch in the face

13. People still wanna buy Kevin Sansalone's Option pro model even though they've been out of business for years. Goes to show …

14. Do you know the story of the time Kale Stephens ripped his nose off his face? It's been close to a decade but the peeps still wanna know!

15. Well would you look at that … more people wanna know about Ross Rebagliati's divorce than his weed going-ons.

16. You guys remember when Scotty Lago got kicked out of the olympics for getting a little too down on the dancefloor with his medal and a few ladies? Well, the internet does!


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