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Six Shr|edits To Get Your Pumped For Opening Day!

1. Andrew Burns' Full Part: Burns is the working man's snowboarder. He's out there every single goddamn day whether it's sunny, snowing, raining or if he's hung over. This dude just loved to shred and it shows.

2. Jeremy Cloutier Full Part: When Brothers Factory dropped this, the internet slowed down.

3. DCP Into The Mind segment: A hybrid mix of shred and surf footage put together as only the Sherpas can, this segment is one of the coolest things to ever come out of the action-sports filmmaking scene. 

4. Welcome Jake Blauvelt: This short film from Adidas really shows how much Jake loves the game. He's the real deal and it shines through in anything he puts out.

5. Helen Schittini Full Part: We're big fans of Helen around these parts and her latest edit is sure to only add to her meteoric rise to the top of the shred pile. You go girl!


6. Eric Jackson Full Part: Pretty much guaranteed to win part of the year and possibly one of the best video parts of all time, this baby just dropped last week and blew minds. For good reason!

Now get out there!


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