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The Explorer: Humanity’s Insatiable Thirst To Go Beyond The Known

As long as humans have been on this earth there has been a need to know what is beyond the known, around that next corner and over that next mountain top. To some it's incomprehensible why someone would put life and limb on the line for something unknown and not guaranteed to hold any payoff at all. For the explorers it is exactly this unknown factor that drives the whole quest. 

This short film by The North Face, narrated by astronaut Buzz Aldrin, shines a well deserved spotlight on the explorers amongst us. In this ever accelerating media and cultural landscape we find ourselves currently in, the quest for exploring the unknown is at once becoming not only more popular, but perhaps more important than ever. When you can update your social media status from the most remote reaches on earth, it is more important than ever (to some at least) to disconnect from that and seek truly unique, and one-of-a-kind, experiences.

To the explorers out there I say cheers … Keep pushing, keep seeking and most of all keep exploring and discovering. You give us all hope that the world continues to be an incredible place full of wonder and excitement. No matter how many goddamn photos of people's dinner there are in my facebook feed right now!


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