Clearly it was not a woman who deemed the moustache sexy. Clearly, the moustache was laid to rest for a reason, so its comeback better be for a good cause.
The trend came back with gusto thanks to Travis Garone and Luke Slattery, two Ozzies from Melbourne who had it all timed perfectly. Just when the shred season seems like forever and a day away and the world waits in anticipation for winter to officially arrive, long, dreary November falls upon us. They launched Movember as an official charity in 2003 and over ten years have expanded to include 1,127,152 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas in 21 participating countries. One month, one cause, one mission for all mankind to universally grow a Mo in support of a great cause. The wrap party happens to fall November 28, Whistler Blackcomb’s opening day.
As Movember continues to grow in popularity, my observation is this. Guys and even gals forget why we are supposed to sport a stache in the first place. It is all about raising money and awareness for charitable causes that support men’s health issues like prostate, testicular cancer and mental illness, very real issues that give guys reason to take pride in their efforts. The fun part, the icing on the cake is getting to grow a moustache. The statement, the walking billboard on your face, is a result of your efforts, not anyone else’s.
Number one rule if you are going to partake in the Movember movement is to register. Yes register! http://ca.movember.com/ Solo or team, you must make your commitment official in order to be worthy. Start a profile page on the official Movember site and share your journey with your followers and supporters. Unless you are bringing in the monetary donations, flaunting your ‘no idea why I’m growing this stache’ on Facebook and is totally not cool.
Regular maintenance and hygiene IS required, should you choose to participate. Barber shops do exist and should be visited if you need help in the grooming department. Whatever you do, don’t let a bunch of buddies get a hold of a razor in an attempt to shape and style your growing Mo. A mustache looks hilarious on a man period, so don’t be afraid to ask your girlfriend for some ‘tell it like it is’ advice. If you don’t have a gal and are hoping a stache will help you get one, remember that things can go sideways should you neglect to give it the constant attention it requires. Pay attention to what’s happening on your face this month, because the ladies will. They say we women look at a man’s shoes as a judge of character. The same goes for his stache. If you’re not mature enough to shave and shower, you are probably not mature enough to maintain facial hair.
Regular upkeep, shaping and even shaving the surrounding area are required in order to be classified as cool. Paying attention will likely improve your chances of picking up chicks and give you the confidence you need to be seen in public rocking a moustache.
Is it thanks to these guys that the moustache is now a year round fashion statement? Accessories for women as well as men like T-shirts, knecklaces, shoes and more are everywhere you shop to the point of overkill. A Mo is meant for your face so let’s keep it there. Trends like the finger-stache have come so far that people are permanently inking themselves. Advice to ladies looking for attention this month, a milk Mo will give you more credibility than a silly stick on, trust me – oh and don’t forget you need to start a profile page too.
In Movember the stache is cool, if it is in support of the cause.