Note: Big thanks to YoBeat.com for saving this footage and reposting!
When you're the king of the world people move mountains for you. At least, that's what it seems like the powers that be have done for Shaun by creating a top-secret private training facility for him in Oz. We all remember the custom pipe Shaun trained in before the last Olympics. Well, this is more of the same, plus a few rails and jumps, all so he can get his shit dialed in before this winter's olymp-dicks in Russia (Motto: We will read your emails!).
As you can clearly tell, the whole thing was put on by GoPro cause, well, why the hell wouldn't it?
The big takeaway for me is just how much more impressive it is that our very own homegrown hero Mark McMorris can still kick Shaun's ass on a slopestyle course. And no private park to practice in!