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Year of The Snake // Seymour The Movie – Vancouver World Premier

Above: Seymour Filmmaker Russel Lee. 
All Photos: Dave Rouleau 

Good times last night at the Party Snake premire in Vancouver. And by good times I mean, we got in the theater, watched the movie, said hi to people, got hyped, and got back home by 10:30pm. Heck I even got a late night push in before bed time. Yes my freinds, it was an early show. Early shows are fiting for week nights and hey, if your feeling frisky, they make going out drinking when you gotta get up the next day even that much more exciting. But alas I did not go out drinking, belive it or not I went to watch snowboarding. Yup – even sat in the upper deck with all the under age kids. Great view from up there by the way. The Rio theater is a nice big 'ol classic theater and it was more then 3/4 of the way full by the time Party Snake head Mat Heneghan took the stage and anounced the first film; Seymour The Movie, filmed over the course of the last two years and edited by Russel Lee.

Stathis doing his duty to keep things lively. 

This film was very unique and very chill! A real piece of Seymour mountain art.  It has a sweet flow of cruisey follow side hits, poppers and drops set to some surfy russion folk tunes or something. With trippy transitions. This movie is really cool and it reminds me of what Seymour is really all about. No park for the most park, just natual little side hits, pow, fog and getting trippy in the woods. The perfect little shred flick to stoke you out before you go up for a chill day. About 15 minute or so in total. After many cheers and chants of a repeat, Year Of The Snake played. Also with the editing touch of Russel Lee, a little tamer and more respectful then other Snake films of years past ( this was thier 5th!), YOTS was pure homie packed. And the focus was on the boarding. From old to new it was loaded with easy shots of all the usual suspects complete with a few cameos. Layne Treeter, Mat Henehagn, Nic Heringa, Brendan Keenan as well as classic hi-jinx all stood out and Jordan Bell had a banger last part with lots of unseen footage and large and creative rail bangers.

When the whole shebang was over by 9pm I was left with a great taste in my mouth, as was the majority of the crowd who could have sat through at least a couple replays. But replay it they did not. And just when I thought this event was going to be as chill as the main man him self Russel Lee, the door to the Rio flung open and out flys Alex Stathis, three beers deep and squinty eyed, being thrown out by the door man. All right, I thought as I wipped out my camera – here we go – this is a Party Snake premier! It looks like the next generation is keeping the fun and stupitiy alive – I mean what's a Seymour inspired snowboard premier with out it right?

Mad chilling and milling ensued out front as a crowd of 40 plus congestived around the entrance hacking buts and shot gunning beers wondering what to do next. It was foggy as fuck outside and the night was young – It made for some trippy late night skateboarding before going off to bed to dream of snow slip'n. 

Pat dirty gets boarded

Going viral.

Watch and learn. 

Hopefully Alex didntt find the drunk tank or anything – those Poco boys looked like they where ready to go! It was nice seeing people last night – take care out there and see you on them Seymour slopes my dudes. 

*Year Of The Snake and Seymour The Movie should  be out on the internt near you some time soon . . . I'm pretty sure. Follow The Party Snake on Facebook to find out.


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