Upper cross syndrome results in poor mechanics in your shoulders and thoracic spine. It is caused by tight muscles in the chest, neck and front of the shoulders and weak muscles in our mid back. These poor mechanics lead will reduce your ability to rotate the spine, use all the range/power in the arms, and to keep the spine postured safely when performing loaded movements (especially overhead).
Lower Cross Syndrome is caracterized by weak glutes and abs, along with tight hamstrings, hipflexors, and lower back muscles. With these issues the pelvis is tilted forward leaving your lower back and knees vulnerable to injury. The resulting biomechanical inefficiencies are also a huge hyndrance to performance.
These issues are commone because of three things:
1. Too much screen time
2. Driving
3. Reinforcement of the athletic position in sports
Sitting and the athletic body position have 2 things in common. Your hips are constantly in a flexed position. A high volume of time with shortened hip flexors just reinforces the this shortened position.This is why we must stretch and release them everyday and before every activity we do in order to perform better and reduce our risk for injury.
Learn more at http://www.fokfitness.com