Marie-France Roy, or MFR as she's more well known, just released another teaser for her new project The Little Things and it leaves no question as to just how fucking much Marie rips. It's kinda nuts actually.
After blowing minds and doors wide open over the past decade for herself and legions of female snowboarders, am and pro, to follow, Marie-France decided to go her own way and embarked on a 2-year film project with filmmaker extraordinaire Darcy Turenne that aims to show a different side of the shred game.
The Little Things is sure to be an incredible film, from both sides of the equation, and judging by this "teaser" it's also sure to have some of the raddest shredding ever seen by Marie and her crew of jolly, patchouli-smelling, kale-growing shred hippies (I say that with love!).
But seriously, what the fuck? If anyone else in the world had released this as a full-part, it would instantly be hailed as one of the best of all times. But Marie? Meh. Just a teaser. Okay then! Whadya know? Mofo still shreds way harder, with more style and more tricks, than any other female out there. Sorry ladies. It's just the truth.
For more on The Little Things, check out an exclusive interview we did with Marie last season HERE