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4 Awesome Halloween Costumes That Every Snowboarder & Skier Already Has

Ah, the Halloween procrastinator. November 1, 2012, you SWORE that you'd have an awesome costume next year. Yet, here you stand one year later, costumeless.

You now have two options:

  1. Make a road trip down to the city. Drop $80 on a plastic costume. Observe three other people in the same costume at the Halloween party.
  2. Start looking through your closet, and make something spectacular.
If you need a little inspiration, here are a few costume ideas based on items that the average snowboarder already has in their repertoire.

Outrageously Easy Ninja

There is an Outrageously Easy Ninja within us all. Remember that time you were in your base layer and slid down the hallway in your socks, noiselessly and undetectable? That was your inner Outrageously Easy Ninja.

For this costume, you will need:

Your base layer (preferably black)

A balaclava; the fuller the face, the better

Black gloves

Put it together, and you've got yourself the Outrageously Easy Ninja.

Note: For the truly ambitious, this costume could become the Outrageously Easy Burgler. Just add a satchel with a $ sign.

Crafty Shark

The Crafty Shark is one of my favourite costumes of all time. The "Crafty" bit comes from the crafting skills you will need to complete this costume. Don't worry, they aren't advanced crafting skills.

Required supplies:

A grey hoodie

Grey sweatpants (the holey ones you watch ski movies in are fine)


Duct Tape

A piece of paper and a marker— trace and cut out teeth and eyes

A cardboard box— trace a fin and cute it out.

Tape the fin to the back of the hoodie, and tape on the teeth and the eyeballs.

Voila: the Crafty Shark. As a bonus, this is the most comfortable costume of all time. You get to spend your night in a full-on sweatsuit. Sick.

Looking to take it one step further? Swap the fin for some ears, add a grey sock, and behold: the Crafty Elephant.

Johnny Canuck

If you're not a Vancouver Canucks fan, you can easily convert this into "lumberjack", but it is slightly less clever.

To be Johnny Canuck, you will need

A plaid shirt (have you ever tried actually drawing plaid? It's tough).


A toque, preferably with a pom pom


A hockey stick (or axe or something if you're going the boring lumberjack route)

A manly beard, or an eyeliner pencil to create the illusion of one

Toss that hockey stick over you shoulder, assume a stoic look, and become Johnny Canuck.

Old School Ski Bum

The old school ski bum is a bit of an underachiever costume in a ski resort town, namely because there are retro ski themed parties held every other week. However, it is easy, comfortable, and an excuse to wear brightly-coloured items, so why not.

Assemble the following supplies:

A onesie, the brighter the better. If you do not own one, ask the oldest person you know in town for one of theirs (they definitely have a tickle trunk FULL of old onesies)

Goggles (retro preferred; see above)

A fanny pack (just because)

And that's all it takes for a retro skier costume.

Need more ideas? Use your imagination and piece your closet together to become:

  • The bad guys from Home Alone
  • Where's Waldo
  • A racecar driver or Super Dave (painter suit + duct tape)
  • Zombie snowboarder
  • One of your friends who has a distinct and easily identifiable look
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