Oh god. It's that time of the year. Fall. The worst and best time of the year for a snowslider. We are closer than we have been all year to that time we've all been waiting for when the green hills turn white but we're not quite there. It's still two months away!
Watching the snow crawl down the mountain, melt, crawl down again is enough to drive a winter worshipper insane. Or maybe we just don't like the in-between. Fall is like a half-ass winter.
Then again, these months are full movie premiers and Turkey Sales. It's a chance to work out lingering injuries, get in shape and there is plenty of pre-season hype to go around.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of gliding down a steep pitch balls (or ovaries) deep in blower pow. Until it's time, watch this video, watch it happen, dream about it then soon enough you can do it. It will validate all your hard work, unless you live in a ski town and validation is unnessary.