What happens when you take one of the best surfers in the world and strap a bunch of flares to his board?! Check out Bruce Irons surfing up a storm, lighting up the inside of some waves with some big-ass flares.
"A couple of years ago, while on the Red Bull Minor Threat trip in Indonesia, professional surfer Bruce Irons decided to take his sport to the next level by strapping a few flares onto his board. What resulted is a stunning visual spectacle that looks almost like a man riding the waves on a board of flames. Irons admits that he wasn't too keen on the idea when fellow team member Sam McIntosh suggested the "flare surfing" idea to him. However, in the end, he opted to perform the stunt, not knowing just how awesome the blazing trail of inferno would look at night through the water."
It's so cool! I love the way the barrel gets lit up from the inside. I want to try this with snowboarding this winter!
And check out the full video: