Version Française ICI
This Article is brought to you by Fuckitenjoy.com, Quebec's DH reference.
Longboard is not only a way of traveling. This exciting sport , which is currently growing like never before, can fascinate the young and the older.
Today, we are going to take a look at some local riders which are competing on the international scene to give us their opinion on the evolution of the sport.
Let's start with a short introduction text written by Charles Ouimet 19 years old , pro-rider for Restless Boards, Harfang Wheels, Buzzed Trucks, G-form, Riptide & Hype Energy !
''Downhill skateboarding is something unique. A feeling which you cannot reach in another way. Going down a hill at 105km/h with technical turns that demands a lost of speed to be able to take them is not easy. Even Less when you have 3 other riders beside you , their wheels and yours separated by inches all the way down the road. But once you get to the bottom of the hill, you feel that big stress going out. Anxious about falling, getting injured , even about dying! This stress is gone until my board and I are back to the starting line.Why doing the same thing over and over again? I couldn't explain. It's stronger than me, it feels like a drug. I need to fill that empty space , that lack of adrenaline in my body, this addiction, all possible when i reach the finish line.
The sport can't stop changing. In the past years , Downhill skateboarding have notably evolved and it won't stop. Every years, the speed records on the world's racing tracks are pushed to another limit helped by more performing gear and more riders that are taking it to another level. In 5 years, I think that the sport will be back in the X-Games like it was in the year 2000. Why not? The Longboard industry is mostly not well seen by street skaters and also by skateboard companies."Longboard is for those who can't Ollie", "pfff , Longboard is for fags", I can't count the number of times that I heard these sentences. This philosophy don't help at all , like shoes company who won't produce longboard shoes because they dont want to lost ''skateboard community'', but I think that I must run 10 pair a year!
Anyways, for those who want to start longboarding first rule : wear your helmet. On the Downhill scene, it's not like a skate park, everyone wear his helmet.The security is a top priority for us. Start on a smaller hill, master the techniques, master foot breaking and upgrade the level when you feel ready for it. Don't cross the yellow line ! Trust me , the car always will win the face-off. Skate hard but respect the limits.
"Skate like you want to skate another day". -Charles Ouimet
33: Thank you for your time , What does skateboarding represent for you ?
Niko: DH represent for me a way to surpass myself , I'm aware of my limits but respecting them. It's a training motivation , a goal.
Pierre: I've always been a fan of speed! With a car racer father , i got used to adrenaline even with my family in the car ! When I started skateboarding , even if I had ridden a lot of verts and pools , I always was attract by high speed, looking for the fastest hills I could found in Lac-Saint-jean my homeland. Back then, (late 70's) there was no events organized and not even DH boards ! You had to make it yourself ! When the longboards started to come back in the year 1995 ,I bought myself a deck, and restarted to look for hills in the Montreal area. With this comeback I was really stoked to see that new wheels were made for high speed. I still remember my Abec 11 Flywheels Amber 83mm were way faster than what ever I had ridden before !
Niko: Hard to say , but if I look at snowboard or snowboard cross , which left the big part to freestyle , I think that DH will always be the biggest discipline.But freeriding will occupy more space by the years to come. I also think that we need more challenges like in snowboardcross with high speed and jumps !
Pierre : This Sport is really gaining popularity since 4 or 5 years and this really helps getting events of all types and shred with riders from all around the world. but I think that kids are too much attracted by sponsors so they don't have the right kind of motivation. Fun First ! the elders need to show the less experimented riders how to gain progress with security.There's too many cases of kids getting killed or heavily injured because they wanted to skip the steps or because they didn't put protections. Keep the right lane and put a spotter to the "blinds Spots".
Niko: I love the feeling that I get when go down a hill at top speed but still keeping control. I love the fact that I can spend time with my friends and travel and this sport gave me a good opportunity to do so .I want to thank all my sponsors : Restless Boards, Harfang Wheels, Predator Helmets, Abec 11 ,PRFO and Buzzed trucks.
Pierre: Simply because I still Love the feeling of riding fast even after 38 back-to-back skateboard seasons. Less stoked about competition than before because i know that I'm too old to hope for a win ! (lol) What I really like is a sesh on a new spot with Dwayne , Jf Boily , Ian comishin and Rookie but that doesn't happen as often as i wish. I've always been fascinated by design and I tried to create skateboards , wheels and trucks that would be the most effective, my implication with Kebbek skateboards helped me tired and test a bunch of ideas that never thought would see the day !
Niko: Always wear protection (Helmet, Gloves, Pads). Start little , and then upgrade your level at your rate.
Pierre: 1- Control your speed while sliding , learn how to speedcheck without moving 15ft to do so , and foot brake, an art that you lose easily unfortunately.
2- Ride with experienced riders you can learn from , take their setup and try it to know who to tune up a board for fast riding !
3- Keep your line , and don't go for the biggest hills before mastering 1 and 2
4-It's all about having fun !If you work hard enough , the sponsors will get you.
Niko: I recommend going to the gym to keep a good shape and work the balance because longboard is an asymmetrical sport. having a healthy and strong body , flexible and balanced will help you practice that sport for a life time ! Go see your kinesiologist! I can even train you at St. Jude Espace Tonus.
Pierre: Same thing as the kid but with Advil and Robax.
And for finishing with beauty , here's a promising and upcoming athlete in the sport named Francis Boileau. He's 17 years old , living in Montreal and riding for about 2 years now. For him , going at 80km/h is a routine ! He feels happy even with all the danger ! So don't forget , always wear your helmet when you're riding because it only takes that one time…
For more info on the crew or for breath-taking videos go take a look at Fuckitenjoy.com !
Stay Stoked!
Translation : Stephen Joshua Gay