"A Day At Loggers" is like any other summer day here in Whistler BC. Hitting rope swings, cliff jumping, and leaping out of tall trees is something fun to do on a hot summer day. Loggers lake, just a few km out of Function junction is a popular spot for many looking to cool off and enjoy the sun. After a couple of days cliff jumping at Green lake with Josh Stack and friends, we decided to do a quick edit at the loggers rope swing.
The rope swing that is there now, isn't as good as the old one. It seems there is some people that find hitting rope swings to be too dangerous. Resulting in them cutting off the branch that the rope is tied to. The thing is, if anything, it is making it more dangerous. People still want to have fun and do what they enjoy in the summer. So, new rope swings are put up, on the "next best" branch.
Thanks to Marc and Josh for doing what you guys do! Hope everyone is enjoying the hot summer we are having. Thanks!
Brandon Kelly"