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7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Posting That Nonsense You Call A « Status Update »

Social media is good and bad. It connects us to people who we might otherwise lose touch with. It's a great way to get news and find great content from around the web. It's literally been the catalyst to whole revolutions. But it can also be annoying as all hell!

The lure of that blank status update box is too much for some people to ignore and they just feel the need to update the world on every little thing that goes on in their lives. From what they are wearing to what's on tv to (oh god) what's for dinner, many people feel like the more inane details they share about their lives the more "connected" they are. Of course the opposite is true, and most of the time these "serial posters" are really just loners seeking attention but even so, good people can make bad posts.

So here are 7 key questions to ask yourself before hitting "Post" on that next status. And hey, it doesn't mean you're a bad person if you see yourself doing this shit, it just means you need a light smack in the face and to go have a coffee with a good friend in, you know, real life.

1. What the hell am I talking about here?

Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

This is just as true with social media posts. Truly great posters share ideas that help enrich the lives of others while most people just point out mindless facts about their own lives or what they are doing. Who needs it?!

2. Who does this post serve?

Is the post really just designed to make you feel better about yourself? Save it and go treat yourself to a nice handie in the shower.

3. Is this post designed to make people feel bad about me?

Self-pitying posts are the WORST!! Seriously people, if something terrible is going on in your life, go talk to someone you love who's advice you respect. DO NOT go online, whine about your problems and expect the world to be all "awwww sweetie, what's wrong?". That shit is just terrible!

4. I am clearly just seeking attention or the approval of others?

Similar to #3 but more broad ranging. Are you just looking for people to tell you how awesome you are, how cute that new dress is, etc… Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people these days?! If you are happy about something, shouldn't that be enough? Do you really need the approval of all those strangers?

5. Is this post about food?

No one cares. Period. Stop that shit now.

(Pro chefs and BBQ are the exceptions)

6. Are you just trying to show off how "amazing" your life is?

Once upon a time people all over the land would go out and do cool shit just for, you know, the fun of it. But now all of a sudden it seems like any given activity is not legit unless you tell the whole world about it and get 17 likes from strangers. What's up with that? And worse yet, the trend seems to be to not only tell the world about how awesome you are but to imply that you are somehow doing better at life than others because of what you are doing (see #7). That shit is borderline psychopathic. Stop now! 

Oh, you're life's amazing is it? That's cute … now shut up cause this is what I woke up to today

Which brings us to ….

7. Is this a "If you're not … you're blowing it" post?

This is seriously the bane of my existence. Every time I see one of these posts I want to go over to the persons house and punch them in the face. We get it, you're on a rollercoaster on top of a mountain of shiny monkeys, it's awesome, but how the fuck do you know that's better than what I'm up to? Maybe I'm doing bong hits with the Dalai Lama or eating perfectly cooked Liger steaks with the ghost of John Lennon. Who are you to tell me I'm blowing it?

Trust me, I'm not blowing it. But thanks for being so concerned!
So there you have it. Print these out, write em on your keyboard, do whatever you need to do but please people, stop posting so much bullshit!


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