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Shawn White’s Band Plays Lollapalooza – Bandmates Learn How to Shut Up and Look At Cameras Silently

Snowboarder Shawn White (you may have heard of him) has a new band, Bad Things, and they are doing the Lollapalooza tour this summer. Apparently they aren't even that terrible. 

Of course, with the world's most famous snowboarder in the lineup all the press seems to focus around that one fact, even if everyone is pretending that it's not. The band consists of five people, and White's not even the frontman or singer, but all the press seems to be conducted by Shawn and the singer/frontman. Based on the way the interviewers ask questions and the editors put these press videos together, I get the feeling that lead singer Davis LeDuke has pretty much only been invited as a courtesy – and he seems to be getting really good practice at keeping his mouth shut and his head nodding as Shawn answers almost all the questions. While you can't really blame the media for this (wait, why the fuck not?!) it's pretty damn hilarious to watch.

Check out some of LeDuke's wicked "shut-up faces" in this Billboard interview:

And in this one with Jack Osbourne

Pretty sure he's checking Instagram in that last one. Good boy Davis. Now go cash those cheques and keep your mouth shut.

The band already has a record deal signed with Warnes Bros and they'll be touring for a while this summer before "Daddy" (LeDuke's words not mine!) goes to New Zealand to start training for the Sochi Olympics. 

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