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Think More & Learn Less – Forget What You Know

I found this refreshing and inspirational video on the interwebular yesterday and I have been ‘thinking’ about it frequently. It brought to my attention something that I often feel bad about – not learning enough.

I feel guilty about not learning because I think learning leads to better thought; after watching this video, however, I have come to realize that I need to think more – think more and learn less. Learning will only turn you into a fact-reciting bigot: an individual who has all the knowledge in the world, but then is ignorant to their potential. If everyone were to attend school only to learn, (which most people do), and not to think, there would be no progression, just stagnation cesspool where mold grows on old ideas. Therefore, I offer you a proposition: challenge what you know, think and decide whether what you have learned is true.

Do it for yourself, for your community, for great minds of the past, for humanity, and for progression. Don’t let the stagnant mould of people’s minds creep into yours without challenge. Think about what people say and allow that to guide your learning, and eventually, your creating.

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