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How To Star In An MTV Reality TV Series with Craig McMorris

A couple of weeks ago it was announced that MTV would soon be airing McMorris & McMorris, a reality tv show featuring the travels and antics of none other than Canadian shreds Mark and Craig McMorris. With Mark dominating the world stage and quickly rising to the very top of the Big Air heap over the past few years, and Craig slaying the backcountry and contests alike, it was really no surprise to hear the news – although of course it raised more than a few eyebrows. Anything to do with reality tv, and MTV-style reality tv specifically, always needs to be taken with a grain of salt. It's always a bit worrisome when mainstream media gets ahold of our dear little sport, but knowing the McMorris boys I am quite confident that at the very least this won't be a complete embarrassment.

In fact, after chatting with Craig about the show, I'm even hopeful that this may be a great vehicle for both the brothers and for snowboarding to keep building it's appeal to mainstream audiences. As much as we'd all love to be living back in the 90s when you knew every snowboarder at your local hill, the reality of the situation is the sport is in fact an industry, and all industries need money to grow – and mass publicity like this is a great way to grow acceptance and our sport. 

Mark boosting – Photo: Mason Mashon/Red Bull Content Pool

Mark needs no introduction to most snowboarders but for those of you not paying attention over the past years he is an extremely good snowboarder who has been absolutely dominating the competitive Big Air and Slopestyle circuits with a plethora of insane tricks including many triple-cork variations – especially important with Big Air's inclusion in the next Olympics. Craig, while lesser known on the world stage, is an equally impressive snowboarder with wide ranging talents that stretch between the backcountry and the contest scene alike. Put the two of them together and you just may have the most powerful brother-brother team of snowboarders to ever come out of Canada. The fact that they are from a small town in Saskatchewan with no ski hill to speak of and that they're both super rad dudes is just icing on the cake. 

via Hollywood Reporter:
"Red Bull Media House and Canadian producer Buck Productions are co-producing a reality TV series for MTV about two brothers who travel the world as professional snowboarders.

The partners plan eight half-hour episodes of McMorris & McMorris, which follows Mark McMorris and Craig McMorris from Regina, Saskatchewan, as they compete at home and abroad and spend their downtime partying with celebrities.

The Canadian TV series follows Mark McMorris winning a 2013 Winter X Games gold medal in the slopestyle competition by beating American snowboard legend Shaun White."

Craig getting some pow turns with fellow Oakley teammate MRF – Hockenstein photo

Not being smart enough to leave well enough alone, I tracked down Craig to get a few questions in about the series and he was kind enough to oblige. Here's what he had to say:

33MAG: How did this reality show come about?
Craig: The show is a Redbull Media House creation.
Have you begun filming already? What is the timeline for filming and release?
We have been filming since winter X Games in Aspen. Its set to be aired sometime in November!
What has the experience been like? Is it just life as usual with a few cameras following you around or have you been doing special stuff just for the show?
Its almost life as usual, but because of the show we have gotten to do some super crazy stuff.

Mason Mashon/Red Bull Content Pool

There’s a lot of bad reality tv out there. Are you worried this is just going to be another soon-forgotten flash in the pan? Do you care?
I really don’t think it will be a flash in the plan. We have been working super hard, so I hope people appreciate it.
What are your hopes for this show? What are you trying to get out of it and/or give to the world?

My biggest hope for the show is just to show kids that no matter where you are from, or what ever your situation is, you truly can do anything you want. I just want to inspire people to do what they truly want. [Editor's note: Fuck yeah!]
How did the team come together? Who are these Buck Production boys? Are they legit?
The Buck Production dudes are super legit. We had the control to pick our own director and that has made the biggest difference.  Our entire crew is so cool. They are more friends then colleagues

Craig with a sweet Miller Flip – Hockenstein photo

As snowboarders, the two of you have followed similar but differing paths – with Craig trending more towards filming and the backcountry and Mark becoming a contest superstar. Was this a conscious decision or just something that happened? 
I really don’t like to think about our niches in the sport. If you are a good snowboarder you should be able to do it all … film, compete and everything else.
I heard you went to spring break in mexico with the tv crew. How was that?!
Yah we did spring break in Cancun.  It was intense like camping. I don’t know if I can tell any stories, but lets just say, never lose a bet in mexico… 

The brothers in Cancun for spring break – via
So there you have it. The inside story from the star of MTVs next big reality tv hit!

Let's all just hope that the show does snowboarding the justice that it deserves. With the McMorris brothers involved, this thing just might have the chance to be the mainstream success story that has been so elusive to the shred scene. The only thing I'm worried about is that we'll never see these two out in public again now that they have the golden key to the reality tv VIP room!

Read about the Mark vs Shawn White "controversy" at the X Games on 33MAG HERE


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