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Camp of Champs Week Two: An Interns POV
Crédit Mike Kvackay

Man I thought the first week went by fast, but this second week went by even faster. The first thing I noticed about week two was the amount of people in the park. There were tons. From campers to pros, it was a busy week at Camp of Champions. To mention a few of the pros on the skiing side, we had Tom Wallisch, Sammy Carlson,  and Gus Kenworthy. On the boarding side, Stale Sandbeck, Alek Ostreng, Sage kotsenberg, Eric Willet … I could go on.

Rider: Tyler Nicholson

Having other filmers as roommates is pretty fun. Second night in, my roommate David Stanley and I went out to get a timelapse of the stars and got a little surprise when Davids camera caught the northern lights. They were barely noticable by eye but on camera looked super sick.  David left his camera overnight which was kinda sketchy but ended up being totally worth it for the results. 

The morning of July 11th was an interesting one. It ended up raining and guess who left their boots outside to dry. Yup you guessed right. I did, and they weren't so dry when I picked them up. I actually had to pour out the water from my boots. It was half an hour before we had to leave and thankfully we have a boot dryer at our place which helped a bit at the cost of stinking up the room. That wasn't the only interesting part of the morning, it was actually snowing on our trip up to the Glacier. Fresh tracks in July anyone? 

Some of the cool things here at Camp are the activities. Bungee Jumping is one of them, and it was fun. Usually the coaches try to one up each other which was definitely the case this time around. It was all good times and everyone was stoked. Even I got to jump. But, I would have to say Mack Jones won best jump that day while eating his chicken wrap on the way down. 

Mack Jones got a little hungry
With week two coming to an end, I had to quickly go back to the city to attend my cousins wedding, where I also did some more filming. The next day it was back to Whistler to edit the Week 2 snowboarding video and welcome the new campers for session C.

Check out the week 2 edit here! 


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