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Quotes & Phot’s – 33MAG @ Camp Of Champions WEEK TWO

33MAG's Erin Hogue is up on the Glacier documenting the action at Camp of Champions and shares a few hilarious photo/quote combos with us!

Mercedes Nicoll (slashing) & Caylnn Irwin (airing) helping Alex Duckworth get a little ice in her margarite

"Life on the road can be lonely sometimes so we try to keep the whole women's team a tight unit" – Alex Duckworth 

Cory Gallon – Switch 5-0 cab 3 (first try!)

"Learn a new trick" – FIlmer Nate Laverty
"ha" – Cory Gallon
"Try a switch 5 0 cab three" 
"If I try that it means I have to put clothes on" – Cory Gallon before this first attempt at a Switch 5 0 Cab Three 

Sean RyanBoardslide

"I can never figure out which way I'm going to get on this Oakley wall, but that's what makes it so awesome!" 
-Sean Ryan  

 To see more of Erin's work, check her out at

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