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From Petty Criminals to Fashionistas: Royal Thieves Drop Their New Line
Besides the aesthetic beauty the thing that captures my imagination, in fashion, is the story behind the look and the line. The brand-spanking new line Royal Thieves has stolen my attention with their story of art, rebellion and petty suburban crime.

The hip-hop, streetwear line is the collaboration of a group of friends from the, wetter than usual lately, Medicine Hat, Alberta. The idea behind Royals Thieves was born out of the need for these boys to rebel against their conservative community. Small town criminal activity was entertainment for the group until they decided to channel their passion for art and hip-hop culture in a way that would bring them up in the world in a more positive way, in a clothing line named after their crew. “ We had a list of rules to go by, we actually had them written out, that's why we called ourselves Royal Thieves. Your a thief or a royal thief,” explains one of the lines entrepreneurs, Thomas Sanderson Balmer the third, (hence the lines symbol,roman numerals one,two,three).

Unlike their thieving counterparts Robin Hood and his Merry Men, the boys have mostly just wanted to shake the establishment. “ Find your own way in the world, don't just believe want ever people tell you,” says Balmer (aka Trip). Royal Thieves is turning more towards the “take from rich give to the poor philosophy”, one dollar from all Royal Theives proceeds will go to the Make a Wish Foundation.

Believing that the cloths make the man, “ If you dress like a bum, you'll be treated like a bum.” the promise is you'll look “ hot, fresh and ready for any occasion.” For the future Balmer hopes to split the line into Royal and Thieves. Royal being a more dressed up version, with possibly some saucy lingerie, Thieves being the streetwear line.

Now you can say you heard of them here first. With the love and hard work these boys are putting into this project, it's sure to blow up and out and not wash away like Medicine Hat itself.

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