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Camp of Champs Week One: An Interns POV

Photos by Kyle Gibson – @fwednesday

Top photo: Alex Oestreng – Back Double 10

It was June 27th and I just found out I would be spending my July in Whistler at Camp of Champions. You could say I was a little excited, just a little. The next three days were hard, so many things to do so little time. All that was on my mind was that I'm going to be at Camp of Champions. 

After the longest three days of my life, it was finally time to go to Whistler. I live in Vancouver, so coming out to Whistler wasn't something unusual. I got to staff housing and met my rad room mates David and Mike, the two other filmers for COC. The next day was a day of many firsts. It was my first time having to upload with all my gear in the summer. Usually I would be riding Whistler Bike Park, so it was just a bit weird wearing my snowboarding gear and uploading on the chairlift in the hot summer sun. 

Roman Hermens and Will Fraser – DoubleGrab

Got my first snowboard turns in to the park since the snow season. My mind was blown on how different the glacier looks in the summer. I got a couple laps in the park before bringing out the camera and man it was a scorcher. I usually don't burn easily, but I ended up wearing a tank top and got super burnt. I would post a photo but it would be way too embarrassing.  I learned the hard way, kids wear your sunscreen. 

AFTER about 3 days and I already had a solid goggle tan, had met so many new people, and gotten to film with the pros. I could already tell that the rest of the days at camp were going to fly by … and they did. 

Gordan Hall – Nosepress

Here's what the glacier schedule is like: get up there, take a couple laps while the T-bar line is short, film some follow cams, post up on features, eat lunch, and film some more. Thats only half the work.  After each day on Glacier I go back with the filmers and have a Mac party looking over and renaming footage with labels that can be easily found, Which is a lot more time consuming than it sounds. 

Next thing I knew it was the end of Camp A with the summer BBQ. it was good times chilling with the campers, eating some burgers, and throwing the frisbee. oh! not to mention all the free stuff the campers get. I'm Jealous, but they didn't get everything easily. One board was given away from the Nomis crew and the only way to get it was to run as fast as you could and take it away from Colin D Watt standing in the middle of a river. 

Sean Ryan – Front 10

It was a fun ender to camp A and only 3 more sessions to go! I don't want to leave this place and I'm already saying that just after one week. 

You can check out my Camp A's snowboarding edit here. Enjoy!

Words by Andrew Santos – @andrewsnts

Photos by Kyle Gibson – @fwednesday

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