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Quotes & Phot’s – 33MAG @ Camp Of Champions

The Camp of Champions on the Blackcomb Glacier is crawling with pro snowboarders so photographer Erin Hogue went out and got some serious action photos with the quotes to match!!

1. Blair McKinney almost decapitates filmer Nate Laverty:

"Dude I thought I just took your head off I thought I killed you…I did not like that at all" – Blair 

2. Simon Chamberlain takes to the air bag!

"I don't know if I have 20 tricks does turning count as a trick..?" – Simon before getting his air bag hammer for Snowboard Canada's 20 Tricks edits

3. Pro snowboarder Rusty Ockenden borrows a pair of skis!

"It's quite enjoyable having all appendages free to flail independently of one another. I had a great weekend skiing on the glacier."

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