Remember the "hoverboard" from Back To The Future? Of course you do! Well, here's your chance to finally actually order a working one of these! Really!!
Ok, so the thing doesn't actually exist just quite yet, but if you have $10,000 lying around you can donate it to the HoverBoard Open Source Project on Indiegogo (HERE) and be one the first 100 people in history to own a real-life hoverboard. And if you don't have $10K don't worry, you can still get in on the all the fun with pretty much any size donation you want, with several levels of rewards and goodie bags.
The creators of the project are looking for a million dollars, which may seem like a lot at first but actually isn't that much to develop any product and bring it to market, never mind a hoverboard (!) that runs on rechargeable batteries. While admitting right off the bat that this project may never see completion, they still seem to have a pretty damn solid grasp on what needs to be done and what technologies need to be refined. It kinda seems like they might pull it off!
"That's right. We're asking for 1 million dollars! By funding this project, you're helping us put the first conscious effort into making an open source Hoverboard platform.. What did you think that was going to cost? This is not going to be an easy task, but that's what makes it worth it! Everything that is learned from this initiative will be cataloged and placed on our website for others to use and benefit the project. So to be more accurate, this project is really to fund the beginning of a world with Hoverboards. [..]
Are you serious?!? This can't be real.
It is. We know this sounds crazy, but at one point in history it was also crazy to have a light bulb in your house or have a carriage that drove without a horse! We think it's about time to start thinking about an alternative form of transportation and we're not talking about something with wheels. We've done our research and found some very interesting propulsion technologies that are being used in newer military jets and stealth submarines. So yea, we are serious about this and we do believe we can build a Hoverboard with the power of an open source community behind us."