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OTWK: Whistler Alternative Lifestyle Video Mag Episode 1 & Interview

Whistlerites Eric Beckstead and Anna Lengstrand have teamed up to show another side of the Whistler community. Check out this amazing first episode featuring a local DJ, a pro skier and a small business owner – all living on the edge of the resort and life!

Sometimes when you live in or visit a place like Whistler – literally created to service the needs of people who are here for a few days at most – it's easy to get blinded by the shiny lights and loud noises of the resort machine. "Off The Wall Kids", a collaborative project/crew started by Eric and Anna, aims to explore and share the flipside of that, a local community that is bursting at the seams with artists, intellectuals, creatives and all sorts of incredible individuals who lead some amazing lives. 

Eric & Anna

33MAG is proud to be a partner of OTWK and we couldn't be more stoked on Episode 1, which features local DJ Rich-A, pro skier Sean Pettit and custom ski builder Greg Funk. Awesome visuals, paired with some great music choices make for a really great watch with your morning coffee or evening joint.

Check it above – after you read what Eric and Anna have to say about the project below!

You can also check out the project on the Coldsmoke website HERE

33MAG: What is this project?
OTWK: We aim to reach out to the talented individuals that make up Whistler but are either out of the spotlight or their pursuits are so projected in the spotlight that people are blinded to the way they actually maintain their lifestyle. We will feature an artist, athlete and entreprenuer or small businesses in a video magazine format online regularly.
Where did the idea come from?
The idea of Off the Wall Kids began six months ago while Eric and one his good friends from New Zealand Chav Guy Paton had a late night talk over a bottle of wine, or two, of their shared passions. They both aimed to push action sports they loved (skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, kayaking, canoeing, climbing, wakeboarding, cliff jumping, biking etc) to the best of their abilities while representing the artistic side of their lives as well. This hatched the idea behind a video magazine but with so many of their talented friends interested in being a part of the project it evolved into including other unique individuals pursuing there own passions to the fullest.

Eric and Sean Petit enjoying the premiere last week in Whistler

In this day and age of being bombarded with hundreds of quick and dirty edits on the internet on a daily basis, what was your guys' thought process into making longer length "shows"?
With the quality and amount of edits available these days, people's attention spans and imaginations grow smaller daily. We were also sick of seeing talented individuals featured in short poorly filmed throwaway edits. We aimed to capture peoples attention by sharing the stories of these individuals while maintaining a high standard for quality and attention to detail.
How did the two of you meet and decide to work together?
After Chav, Eric's original partner, moved back to New Zealand due to an injury, Eric realized that the project was to far into the works to not continue. While chatting with Anna Lengstrand, a good friend and talented photographer over sushi, she brought up the fact that she wasn't inspired and needed a new project to focus on. From then on they were focused on the Whistler Alternative Lifestyle Video Magazine Project! Together their talents and personalities merged and enhanced the strength of the project.

Fuck yeah

What do you hope people get out of this project?
OFF THE WALL KIDS represent the youth and young at heart. We hope to educate people on unknown areas within our society as well as inspiring a balanced, creative, open minded, free spirited lifestyle.
While labelling it Whistler Alternative Lifestyl we are not limiting the project to Whistler. We believe if you are connected to our community through travel, work or other pursuits but share a open mind and open heart then you are OTWK, we welcome you to the project.

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