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Taylor Loughran: One Versatile Mofo

Squamish-based mountain bike filmmaker Taylor Loughran has slowly been working on his photography skills over the past few years and is now in the running for the wildcard spot at this years Deep Summer Photo Challenge in Whistler. As a cutting-edge filmmaker who is both on top of his shooting skillls (world class) as well as all the latest technology, Taylor's transition to the world of stills has not surprisingly been swift – after all, he's already got access to amazing athletes as well as a keen eye for unique compositions, the two biggest skills needed to make it as an action-sports photographer.

I wanted to share a little more about Taylor with you so I got him to answer a few questions. Check 'em out, peep his sick photos and head over to Pinkbike to cast your vote!


33MAG: How long have you been involved in the mountain bike industry?

Taylor: I’ve been involved in mtn biking since I first got into filmmaking.  I saw New World Disorder 1 back in the day and by 2005 had bought a camera (DVX100a) and had made a short mtn bike film.  From then on its always been about trying to combine progressive riding with the latest camera technology.

What are some of the challenges involved in being an independent mtn bike filmmaker?

The biggest challenge id say is making rent….haahahah 
Id say the real hard part has been getting the right amount of funding to pull off a certain vision for a edit.  Also staying on top of the latest gear is a good thing so when you can get your hands on the latest gear you know what to do with it and not waste time/rental days figuring it out.

Has photography always been part of your game or is this a new trick in your bag?

Photography is relatively new to me.  When I got my canon 7d in 2010 it opened up a whole new world and I started taking photos in between shooting the video shots and on down days.  Now on days off I’m more then likely out shooting stills not video.

What about shooting stills attracts you?

The thing that attracts me to shooting stills is how simple it can be. When I go out to shoot photos I usually just head out for a hike with my camera and a lens and see what I find.  I very rarely go out with a certain image in mind.  The click of the shutter is a big one for me Its as if when I look through the view finder time slows down until the shutter snaps.

You have been posting some incredible macro work over the past few months. What about that interests you?

The thing that I enjoy most about macro photography is how it lets you step into a tiny world that unless you are looking to take a macro photo you’d walk by without even noticing it.

If you make it into Deep Summer do you have a game plan or you just gonna wing it?

If I do get the wildcard spot in deep summer itll be half winging it and half planned out.. I already have my team (Ollie Jones) and locations mostly picked out.. Ill just need to come up with a cool concept to package it in,.  fingers crossed.. 



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