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Behind the Scenes of The FAKE SNOWBOARD KICKFLIP
Last week, Vancouver-based filmmaker Andrew Santos fooled many when he posted a video that purported to show a kickflip on a snowboard over a hefty jump. Turns out he faked it and lets us in on the joke with this BTS.

It looked legit to me at first – and I posted right HERE on 33MAG – but it was only after reading some comments on the Transworld Snowboarding site (also fooled!) that I realized this was completely fake. Rather than sitting around with a wounded ego, I decided to track Santos down and get the skinny on what he was going for.

33MAG: Where did the idea come from?

Andrew: I’ve always liked visual effects and I’ve been snowboarding and making edits for a couple years now so I thought why not combine the two. I definitely got some inspiration from KnifeShow’s edits and Actionhorse’s “Ponytail” shot.

Did it take a 20-man team working 100-hour weeks to pull this off or what? Who's the team behind it?

Haha, nope! Just myself on this one, and thanks to the rider who will remain unnamed. It took me a while to figure out how I was going to do this and lots of it was trial and error but when it came down to it, it was one very long night.

Were you surprised by the reaction it's gotten?

Yeah, it’s funny. It’s just the reaction I wanted.

A clip from the compositing stage

Was it just for a laugh or do you do this for a living?

Well I go to Vancouver Film School taking Visual art and design. This shot was made for a project of mine. Maybe in the future I can be doing this stuff as a living, who knows.  

What next?!

I have no idea, just the average kid trying to find out what to do for a living. But for now I’m just going to be putting out as many video’s as I can. Be sure to check them out on my vimeo @ and follow me on Instagram to see what I’m up to @andrewsnts


Good work man!!

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