It looked legit to me at first – and I posted right HERE on 33MAG – but it was only after reading some comments on the Transworld Snowboarding site (also fooled!) that I realized this was completely fake. Rather than sitting around with a wounded ego, I decided to track Santos down and get the skinny on what he was going for.
Andrew: I’ve always liked visual effects and I’ve been snowboarding and making edits for a couple years now so I thought why not combine the two. I definitely got some inspiration from KnifeShow’s edits and Actionhorse’s “Ponytail” shot.
Did it take a 20-man team working 100-hour weeks to pull this off or what? Who's the team behind it?
Were you surprised by the reaction it's gotten?
Yeah, it’s funny. It’s just the reaction I wanted.
A clip from the compositing stage
Well I go to Vancouver Film School taking Visual art and design. This shot was made for a project of mine. Maybe in the future I can be doing this stuff as a living, who knows.
I have no idea, just the average kid trying to find out what to do for a living. But for now I’m just going to be putting out as many video’s as I can. Be sure to check them out on my vimeo @ www.vimeo.com/andrewsantos and follow me on Instagram to see what I’m up to @andrewsnts