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Motivational Mondays: The Real You

Have you ever wondered what your purpose is in life or who you are really? Well, stop it! Or don't stress about it at least. A worthwhile question but don't expect an answer to fall out of the sky. Maybe, you just are who you are and your destiny is what you are doing now. Allen Watts explains this and so much more in this video.

Watts was a writer/philosopher from Great Britan who gave talks on Eastern philosophy long before you ever took your first yoga class. As you will see in this video he is best known for his ability to teach Eastern ideas in a Western way. In a way that dosen't make a westerner roll his or her eyes but gets through to the hearts and the minds of people on this side of the globe.

His heyday was in the 50's and 60's ; however his teachings are available on the internet nowadays. His recordings have been known to grace the new reel on a few Facebook pages. Watts' messages exsisted long before him and will always be relevent as long as huamns live on this earth. All we need to do is not forget them.







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