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Dead Obies drop their latest punk/rap music video featuring Tony Hawk!

The newest music video from Dead Obies has just come out and the mix of hardcore-punk-rap on the 90's-style video has inspired us to share it with you!

The single Tony Hawk is from their debut album Montréal $ud, which will be released in fall of 2013.

Downloaded to the song with the lyrics, right here!

Dead Obies explains that this video was shot in the suburb of Vaudreuil, where they live. They were bored that they spent their time playing Nintendo and breaking things! Moving away from the stereotypes of most of the rap video you see on TV, this video is sure to entertain!

You can catch them at FrancoFolies: June 22nd at 10pm at the La Presse Stage! Don't miss it!

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