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Top 5 TUMBLRs you NEED to be Following

Tumblr is an amazing resource and filled with all sorts of personalities and formats. Personally, I like those that are super simple. Images back to back, no blah blah, just the eye porn. Here are some blogs that I follow religiously. 


1. The Classy Issue.


Swedish blog updated almost every day. Pictures of classy babes, tanks, fashion and music. They drop a monthly mixtape too! 



Blog belonging to a Chilean 17 year old. Somewhat in the same style as The Classy Issue but babes, skaking and weed.



Unfortunately I do not have a link to post to mooklife, but I could not do a story on tumblr without giving these guys a shout out. Hopefully this dope site from Montreal will start back up very soon!


4. Champagne Facials

Blog from photographer Kirill ( featuring "champagne facials" from drunk babes across the world. Mama must be proud!



5. Alexander Tikhomirov


This is the blog that you do not open at work if your office is anywhere near your boss'. Russian photography trash that blurs the edge between art and porn. They also makes videos and some clothing.




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