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Is this the Greatest Pillow Shot Ever?!

When I saw this incredible photo of Mikey Mahron by Jordan Ingmire I just had to find out more about it. After sitting and staring at it for about an hour first! Here's what Jordan had to say:

I spent the month of April in Valdez Alaska hanging out at the TGAK event up at Thompson Pass. During a period of off weather I spent most of my time hiding in our RV loft smoking spliffs and snacking on Safeway cookies. Im not sure what it was that peeled me out of bed on this 'not so special day' but to my surprise I ended up shooting photos with an awesome crew alongside the road in downtown Valdez. This shot of Mahron was the first drop of the day 🙂

Its amazing what can happen if you just go outside your front door. Doesn't really matter who you are, where you are, your social or financial status. When you open yourself up to possibility chances are you will be filled with opportunities you didn't even know existed. 


I just can't get over the awesomeness of seeing pillows from the side like this. I can honestly say I've never seen such a shot. Good work Jordan!

For more of Jordan's work check him out on Facebook and on his website!


Uncropped version:

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