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Authenticity, the X-Games and the difference between skateboarding and being a skateboader

There's a really great article over on about the X-games which also does an extremely good job of explaining the difference between being a skateboarder/snowboarder and, say, a basketball player.

My favourite quote in there:

"Essentially, what ESPN seems to miss,, is that that the statement “I am a skateboarder” is a far different one than “I am a basketball player”. There’s no such thing as the best skateboarder, BMX rider, snowmobiler, skier, or snowboarder. Placing in the X Games is a reflection of a high level of skill, certainly, but it doesn’t make you the best.

Imagine an NBA where rings and wins don’t matter. Where the playoffs don’t matter, and the only real criteria for greatness is possessing the prettiest floater. Where your worth as a basketball player is determined by how vicious your crossover is, or how dope you look on a step back. Where Michael Jordan isn’t the best basketball player of all time.

One’s a pastime. The phrases “I play basketball” and “I am a basketball player” feel like the same thing. At the same park, in the same pickup game, you’ll find guys and gals who played a little AAU, some who could’ve gone Division II if not for that crazy knee injury, some who wore out their VCRs on AND-1 mix tapes and others just trying to Play 60 themselves into healthier, more active lifestyles. The professionals are the professionals, but we’re all basketball players.

The other is a lifestyle. Simply riding a skateboard does not make you a skateboarder. There is a significant chasm between the phrases “I skate” and “I’m a skater,” or “I snowboard” and “I’m a snowboarder.” It shows up on every capped rail, every No Skateboarding sign, every ski resort that still doesn’t allow snowboarding."

Extremely well said! Check out the full article HERE.


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