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Sorry Guys – The Gallery

Videos always have a "bails" section, but you never see a photo gallery of shit going fuck. I started collecting such images and put a bunch together in a gallery which may get me blacklisted and my number erased from the phonebooks of many of my shredding buddies. But whatever. Here's to when good times go hilarious!


Jay Gretzinger – doublecork, well almost a doublecork, let's call it 1.9 corks. Sorry Jay.

Gord Emery – In there somewhere, just tumbling! Sorry Gord.

Lucas Ouellette – Not optimal dismount. Sorry Lucas.

Lucas Ouellette – Another one for good measure.

. .
Geoff Brown – Back 3 to tree well. Sorry Geoff.

Adam Chuntz – Something about his expression gets me every time. Sorry Chuntz.


Andrew Burns – Bluebird morning, first hit, doublecork, so close. Landing slid, session done. Sorry Burns.

Craig Beaulieu – Doublecork short. Note the snowball landed in the sweet spot, Craig did not. Sorry Bowl-U.

Nick Roy – Faceplant. Litterally eating it. Sorry Nick.

Brad Martin trying to kill Adam Chuntz. Chuntz's sled is under there somewhere. Sorry Brad.

Jesmond Dubeau – Still learning to harness that new SkiDoo. Sorry Jes.

Cody Russell – Yardsale. Sorry Cody.

Kyle Hefkey – Lipslide 150-year old wooden banister. Bad news! Sorry Kyle.


And just so we're not feeling too badly about ourselves, here's a bunch of skiers taking a swim:



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