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Tales of Dating in a Ski Resort Town
In the past month or so, I have had a massive influx of city friends visiting me in my ski resort town. I love when this happens. But I noticed something peculiar about my conversations with my city people. At one point or another, the conversation always seemed to steer towards this:

A boyfriend? I just finished telling you about how I'm working a job I love, spending my days playing in the snow and attempting to become a permanent fixture in this magical town? And you want to know if I have a BOYFRIEND?

I hear where they're coming from. In a town with a ratio of one million boys to every girl (roughly), I MUST have a boyfriend… right? Right?

Wrong. I mean, I guess a girl looking for a short-term (like, one night short-term) relationship would have a great time here, but I suppose it isn't a whole lot easier to find a meaningful relationship in a mountain town full of boys than it is anywhere else.

Dating here can be pretty silly. It comes with its own set of weird #shredworld problems. Boy talk with my (three) girlfriends in Whistler can sometimes look like this:

Plus, boys here, lovely as they are, aren't always the best at being forward or clear. We already know how I feel about the snow date


Sometimes, I come across a nice enough guy who kind of cares, but not quite enough to do anything about it.


Maybe they are too distracted by the snow.

To be fair, it isn't just the boys. I've heard some hilarious stories from my brofriends about how crazy the girls here can be.

So I guess we are all in the same boat. Sometimes, my interactions are so ridiculous that all I can think about while they're happening is how great of a story it will make for later. Like this one time…

It gets better:


Once in a blue moon, something crazy happens and I actually find a nice young man that I could see myself maybe possibly dating. At this point, I realize that I forget how to send "heeeeey" signals. This is usually what ensues:



Needless to say, dating in a mountain town isn't quite the way people imagine it to be. To be fair, it might be partially my fault. See, I have a bit of a tendency to do this:


What can I say. I love friends!

I once told my city friends that I was truly happy in my life and the direction it was going, and that if I didn't get married and have babies, I think I'd still have a totally fulfilling life. They gave me a look and said that I'd change my mind in ten years when all my friends had husbands and babies. See, the thing they don't realize is that most of my friends here are dudes. Statistically, if they ALL stick around, they won't all get married, unless there is a crazy influx of ladies. There just aren't enough to go around. So while my city friends are doing baby-and-me-yoga, maybe I'll just be the old lady shredding with my buddies. And you know what? Things could be worse.

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